Founding Director, Tonto Fielding, of the Shakespeare in the Desert Festival was saddened to announce that this year’s season was cancelled due to the escalation of violence by unnamed drug cartels near Los Ramones. According to published reports, at the opening performance, gunmen fired more than 1,000 bullets and flung six grenades at the stage just at the point when Othello was having a hard time trying to talk himself into killing the sleeping Desdemona. When asked about the decision, Tonto responded to reporters saying, “It’s a shame Los Ramones will be losing this great cultural asset, but hey it’s pretty clear that old Bill’s theme struck a resonate chord with the groundlings. What we had here was a manifestation of the theme that the difference between reputation and honor is the difference between appearance and reality. In fact I thought it quite perceptive of them to pick up on how Othello came to think that the devil was in Desdemona.”
“O thou weed,
Who art so lovely fair and smell'st so sweet
That the sense aches at thee, would thou hadst ne'er been born.”
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